Team Nami

The Nami ML team is on a mission to help app developers succeed in the modern App Economy.

Latest articles by
Team Nami
Written by
Team Nami
25 Oct

Dark Mode & Roadblock Paywalls

The latest release of Nami includes paywalls compatible with Dark Mode as well as roadblock paywalls for apps requiring a subscription.

We're happy to announce a new release!

Apple devices, our native paywall component now supports Dark Mode.

We also have added support for roadblock paywalls. This is essential for apps requiring users to start a free trial or start a subscription before accessing a certain section of your app.

This release also includes a number of updates to the Nami SDK:

  • Dark Mode UI improvements in Nami paywalls.
  • Add ability to create blocking paywalls.
  • Use iOS Keychain internally to record purchases.
  • Improved recognition of running environment to allow for more similar call flow between sandbox/simulator and production use.
  • Removed internal checks for deprecated UIWebView in application.
  • For simulator builds, bypassStorekit mode is automatically enabled to avoid confusion when testing purchases.
  • Improved sending of purchase signals.
  • Improved processing of multiple adjacent transactions from StoreKit.
  • Xcode 11 now used for primary framework builds, Xcode 10.3 frameworks in Xcode10-3 folder.
  • Added environment to cart signals sent to Nami, so testing purchases can be checked with Nami.
  • Fixed issue found with ML data collection.
  • Fix consumable product consumption in SDK, so that purchases are not remembered.
  • Compiled framework to optimize for smaller build size.

The latest release of the Nami SDK for Apple is now available on GitHub.


As always, we welcome your questions, comments, or requests via email.

Thanks for using Nami!

Written by
Team Nami
1 Oct

Nami Exhibiting Mobile Revenue Platform at TechCrunch

Nami ML, a startup transforming the use of in-app purchases (IAP) and subscriptions in mobile apps, announced that it will be exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2019 in Startup Alley as part of the cohort of companies in the AI/ML category.

Come See the Company’s Unique Mobile Subscription Intelligence Technology in Action

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.--(PRWeb)--Nami ML, a new startup transforming the use of in-app purchases (IAP) and subscriptions in mobile apps, announced that it will be exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2019 in Startup Alley on Wednesday, October 2nd, as part of the cohort of companies in the AI/ML category.

“We’re thrilled to...share our vision for helping customers succeed in the App Economy.” — Dan Burcaw, Co-Founder & CEO Nami ML

Dan Burcaw, Co-Founder and CEO of Nami, shared that, “We’re thrilled to be among other startups, investors and the press to share our vision for helping customers succeed in the app economy.”

Nami ML’s platform and SDK empower Mobile App Publishers to tackle the challenges of making money with apps by growing in-app and subscription revenue in three key ways.

First, Nami makes it easy to implement mobile app store capabilities, dramatically reducing the amount of time developers need to spend coding and testing.

Second, the Nami ML cloud-based platform gives marketers newfound capabilities to manage product offers and creative elements in their apps using a hosted service, instead of requiring constant developer updates.

Perhaps most importantly, Nami’s pioneering use of on-device machine learning to identify revenue behaviors in apps unlocks the promise of growing app revenue automatically in a way that protects End User privacy.

“Consumers are long since tired of being tracked pervasively” — Joe Pezzillo, Co-Founder and Chairman, Nami ML

“Consumers are long since tired of being tracked pervasively by every advertiser,” explained Joe Pezzillo, the other Co-Founder and Chairman of Nami, “so we’ve built a platform that deeply respects end user privacy and makes it possible for app publishers to sell their apps, not their users.”

This is the second company jointly founded by Burcaw and Pezzillo. Their prior startup, mobile notification provider Push IO, was sold to Oracle, where they helped build and sell the Oracle Marketing Cloud’s B2C mobile product.

Nami spent more than a year in stealth mode and finally unveiled their platform at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in June of this year. The Company has raised a pre-seed round of more than half a million dollars from WndrCo alongside strategic investors with experience at Apple, Oracle, Samsung, WPP and more.

For complete information on the Nami™ platform and how it can help App Publishers grow revenue, visit the website at https://nami.ml to learn more, request a demo and sign up today.

Nami ML is a trademark of Nami ML Inc., all other trademarks are property of their respective owners.


Joe Pezzillo, Nami ML

Written by
Team Nami
27 Sep

Nami ML welcomes iOS 13 and iPadOS with latest SDK for Mobile Revenue Automation

To celebrate the release of Apple’s latest iOS and iPad OS release, Nami ML has updated their Mobile Revenue Automation platform with support for Apple’s newest operating systems.

BOULDER, Colo.--(PRWeb)-- To celebrate the release of Apple’s latest iOS and iPad OS release, Nami ML has updated their Mobile Revenue Automation platform with support for Apple’s newest operating systems.

“There’s always tremendous excitement whenever Apple releases new products, and the release of iOS 13 and iPadOS is no exception,” explains Dan Burcaw, CEO and Co-Founder of Nami ML. “To succeed in today’s app economy, it’s critically important for our customers to quickly adopt the latest OS releases to grow their business, and we know our platform must help them at every step.”

“To succeed in today’s app economy, it’s critically important...to quickly adopt the latest OS” — Dan Burcaw, Co-Founder & CEO Nami ML

Nami ML’s platform and SDK empower Mobile App Publishers to tackle the challenges of making money with apps by growing in-app and subscription revenue in three key ways.

First, Nami makes it easy to implement Apple’s StoreKit capabilities, dramatically reducing the amount of time developers need to spend coding and testing.

Second, the Nami ML platform gives marketers newfound capabilities to manage product offers and creative elements in their apps using a hosted service, instead of requiring constant developer updates.

Perhaps most importantly, Nami’s pioneering use of on-device machine learning to identify revenue behaviors in apps unlocks the promise of growing app revenue automatically in a way that protects End User privacy.

Burcaw summarized, “End Users are tired of being sold as the product and resent having their personal data exposed via ads and pervasive tracking. Using the Nami platform, App Publishers can sell their apps, not their users, and succeed without selling out.”

For complete information on the Nami™ platform and how it can help App Publishers grow revenue, visit the website at https://nami.ml to learn more, request a demo and sign up today.


Nami is a trademark of Nami ML Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Joe Pezzillo, Nami ML

Written by
Team Nami
26 Sep

New Analytics Partners, iOS 13 & iPadOS 13 Support

The latest Nami release adds new analytics partner integrations from Adobe and Google plus support for iOS 13 & iPadOS 13.

We're excited to announce the latest Nami release has shipped!

This release includes new partner integrations with Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics, official support for iOS 13 & iPadOS 13 and a whole lot more.

Analytics Integrations

This release helps you overlay subscription purchase context, paywall impressions and more with your preferred analytics solution.

While we have certified this integration with Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics, you can actually apply the solution to pretty much any analytics package with a mobile SDK.

We think this will give our customers a lot of flexibility to use the tools they already use while also bringing in critical new context to better understand key metrics like LTV and also to help inform marketing spend on acquisition campaigns.

To learn more about the new analytics functionality, check out our analytics integration guide.

Apple SDK Improvements

  • Support for 3rd party analytics services like Adobe and Google Analytics
  • Added example projects demonstrating Adobe and Google Analytics integration
  • Fixed issue with session calls not being made under some conditions.
  • Improved storeKitBypass subscription product result.
  • Corrected Nami paywall display of non-subscription products.
  • Added paywall gating mechanism so application can always choose to veto paywall raise.
  • Purchase handler callbacks now always occur on main thread.
  • Adds Xcode 11 support via XCFramework, available in /XCode11
  • Improved Objective-C visibility for some classes like NamiMetaPurchase.
  • For Objective-C, can now import Nami.h instead of Nami-Swift.h.
  • Added Objective-C demo app.
  • Fixes UI issues for paywalls on the iPad.
  • Reduces frequency of profile data transmissions.
  • iOS 13 & iPadOS 13 support.

The latest release of the Nami SDK for Apple is now available on GitHub.


As always, we welcome your questions, comments, or requests via email.

Thanks for using Nami!

Written by
Team Nami
14 Aug

New Paywall Controls, Legal Links & Additional SDK Distribution Formats

The latest Nami release has shipped to help you deliver even better in-app subscription experience for your users on Apple iOS.

Our latest Nami release has shipped to help you deliver even better subscription-based experiences on Apple iOS. This release includes new features and improvements to our backend APIs, the Control Center, and our SDK.

Paywall Controls

You can now use the Nami Control Center to manage whether your paywalls show Restore or Sign-in controls.  

Restore allows your users to restore previously bought in-app purchases so they don’t need to purchase again.

Note: Apple App Review currently requires Restore Purchases functionality on your paywall.

Tip: The Nami SDK provides a Restore Purchase callback in NamiStoreKitHelper so you can present messaging when the restore flow is complete.

Sign-In give your users a way to authenticate with your system and access paid products purchased outside of the App Store ecosystem, such as via your web site.  

Tip: If you only sell subscriptions via your mobile app, you should turn off the Sign-In control.

Pro Tip: If you want to use Sign-In, the Nami SDK provides a callback so you can implement your sign-in workflow.

Paywall Legal

You can now use the Nami Control Center to manage whether your paywalls show Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy links.

Pro Tip: Apple App Review requires that you provide a Terms of Use and Privacy Policy somewhere within your app, but they are not required on your paywall.

Additionally, if you’d like to display specific Purchase Terms directly on your paywall, just enter the language under your paywall’s legal tab.

Apple SDK Improvements

  • Paywall links for Terms and Privacy Policy now open in-app Safari browser
  • Built for Xcode 10.3, if you still use Xcode 10.2 use framework located in Xcode10-2 folder.
  • Nami SDK now supports Objective-C.
  • Added support for Carthage distribution.
  • Added support for CocoaPods distribution.
  • Fix the ordering of POST calls for initial session/config data.
  • Console messaging when App Store Connect shared secret for receipt validation has not been set.
  • Check that app bundle ID matches bundle ID for given Nami AppID.
  • Minor UI fixes to terms text in paywalls.
  • Improve detection of subscription expiration.
  • Added re-validation of receipt on regular basis to monitor purchase changes.
  • Re-validates receipt on first launch so users may not need to use Restore.
  • Improved logging provider to be passed simpler non-http messaging.
  • SDK now batches multiple requests for same products if asked for before StoreKit loading finishes.
  • Fixed support for safe area at bottom of paywall screen.
  • Improves helpers for parsing receipt purchase fragments.

If you have feedback, please email us.

Thanks for using Nami!

Written by
Team Nami
12 Jun

Nami iOS Architect on Future of Mobile Subscriptions

Nami iOS Architect Kendall Gelner spoke with MacVoices about the future of mobile subscriptions and privacy during AltConf at Apple WWDC.

Nami iOS Architect Kendall Gelner spoke with Chuck Joiner of MacVoices about the future of mobile subscriptions and privacy during AltConf at Apple’s developer conference, WWDC.

Kendall talks about some of the power Nami adds to working with Apple’s StoreKit APIs, creating better customer experiences when encountering paywalls in mobile apps, and respecting user’s privacy.

Check out the full interview below!