Dark Mode & Roadblock Paywalls

Dark Mode & Roadblock Paywalls

The latest release of Nami includes paywalls compatible with Dark Mode as well as roadblock paywalls for apps requiring a subscription.

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We're happy to announce a new release!

Apple devices, our native paywall component now supports Dark Mode.

We also have added support for roadblock paywalls. This is essential for apps requiring users to start a free trial or start a subscription before accessing a certain section of your app.

This release also includes a number of updates to the Nami SDK:

  • Dark Mode UI improvements in Nami paywalls.
  • Add ability to create blocking paywalls.
  • Use iOS Keychain internally to record purchases.
  • Improved recognition of running environment to allow for more similar call flow between sandbox/simulator and production use.
  • Removed internal checks for deprecated UIWebView in application.
  • For simulator builds, bypassStorekit mode is automatically enabled to avoid confusion when testing purchases.
  • Improved sending of purchase signals.
  • Improved processing of multiple adjacent transactions from StoreKit.
  • Xcode 11 now used for primary framework builds, Xcode 10.3 frameworks in Xcode10-3 folder.
  • Added environment to cart signals sent to Nami, so testing purchases can be checked with Nami.
  • Fixed issue found with ML data collection.
  • Fix consumable product consumption in SDK, so that purchases are not remembered.
  • Compiled framework to optimize for smaller build size.

The latest release of the Nami SDK for Apple is now available on GitHub.


As always, we welcome your questions, comments, or requests via email.

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The Nami ML team is on a mission to help app developers succeed in the modern App Economy.

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