Unified subscriber data, everywhere you need it

Creating happy subscribers requires a coordinated, unified approach. That's why Nami unifies your subscriber data and exposes it through battle tested data feeds and APIs. Move clean data to your own data warehouse or the third-party tools in your stack.

Code console for development

Modern APIs

Lookup subscriber data with modern APIs

Using Nami means you don't have to stand up your own cross-platform subscription management infrastructure. However, you might want build a custom tool to access subscriber records or sync subscriber context. If this is you, we’ve got you covered through modern enterprise grade APIs.

Code console for development
Illustration representing webhooks


Receive real-time events via webhook

In addition to polling our APIs, Nami can notify you whenever there is an event of interest. For example, you may want to know when a user starts a free trial or if they renew. No problem, just subscribe to the appropriate events and Nami will send a webhook to your server.

For developers

Monitor the event stream from your browser

Want to see the event stream in real-time? Right from your browser you can see all the events generated by the Nami system. This helps your client team more rapidly dev/test the purchase flow and helps your backend team see what events the system is generating.

Code console for developers


Ingest unified subscriber data into your existing BI tools

Dispense with spreadsheets or manual data loads. Nami’s unified subscriber data can easily be ingested in your data warehouse or BI tool through integrations with leading analytics and customer data platforms.

Nami integration with other Apps

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The best subscription experience starts with Nami

Get connected with one of our product experts to get started with your journey with Nami today.