The Nami Vintage Industry Swag Photo Contest!

The Nami Vintage Industry Swag Photo Contest!

Portrait photo of blog author
Dan Burcaw
Co-Founder & CEO

Nami ML is celebrating our favorite tech conference, WWDC20, with a vintage industry swag contest. Read more to enter and win!

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In this blog post:

Updated June 21, 2020 11:30am PT to use #VintageSwagNamiML hashtag.

Normally during WWDC, the Co-Founders of Nami ML, Dan and Joe, host a wild and crazy party (some of which from years past are still legendary like the one with the marching band at Mezzanine or the one atop Union Square at Harry Denton's Starlight Room in SF, or of course that first one where we ruined the Tempest), but this year it has to be something different…

So to celebrate our favorite tech conference of the year, we’ve decided to run a little contest!

The contest is pretty simple and easy to participate in, but of course there are official rules from our lawyers.

For the official rules, see: https://www.namiml.com/legal/photo-contest-rules

So what is it and how do you win?

We want to see your best “Vintage Swag” from the computer industry. Really it could be almost anything tech related.

Got old computer gear? Conference or Promotional Swag (t-shirts, mugs, stickers, trinkets)? Heck even old floppy discs?

Then you’re in!

We’re doing Daily Prizes every day of the conference (6/22/2020 to 6/26/2020) and then a “Grand Prize” at the end.

Three of the daily prizes (M-W-F) we’ll choose based on the originality and quality of the photos you post.

Two of the daily prizes (Tu-Thu) are based on who gets the most reaction (retweets, likes, replies).

Whoever gets the most reaction during the week will win the Grand Prize!

All you have to do are 4 things:

  1. Post a picture on Twitter of your classic gear/swag
  2. Use the hashtag #VintageSwagNamiML
  3. Follow our Twitter account @HelloNamiML
  4. Include your favorite #hashtag being used for the conference this week.

Daily winners will receive a US$100.00 Apple Gift Card to use to buy your favorite indie apps (or music, or anything else they can be used for).

The Grand Prize winner will receive a pair of Apple AirPods Pro (worth US$249).

So, start digging through your garage goldmine (find that one piece you’ve been holding onto for years for just such an occasion), put on your favorite old conference t-shirt, or any other vintage swag or gear you want to show off.

Sadly, we’re only allowed to let legal residents of the United States participate (thanks a lot, lawyers), but even if you can’t enter you can still show off!

Impress your friends, gain internet fame, and win prizes!

Have a great week at WWDC!


All Your Friends at Nami ML

Dan Burcaw is Co-Founder & CEO of Nami ML. He built a top mobile app development agency responsible for some of the most elite apps on the App Store and then found himself inside the mobile marketing industry after selling his last company to Oracle.

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