Nami at WWDC20

Nami at WWDC20

Portrait photo of blog author
Dan Burcaw
Co-Founder & CEO

Nami will be virtually attending WWDC20. Check out our events, including a vintage swag content, StoreKit labs, and more.

Table of Contents:

In this blog post:

WWDC is one of our favorite times of the year.  We wish we could be with all of you in person, but we are also excited to participate with everyone virtually this year. Check out our full list of WWDC events below.

The Nami Vintage Industry Swag Photo Contest

Normally during WWDC, the Co-Founders of Nami ML, Dan and Joe, host a wild and crazy party (some of which from years past are still legendary like the one with the marching band at Mezzanine or the one atop Union Square at Harry Denton's Starlight Room in SF, or of course that first one where we ruined the Tempest), but this year it has to be something different…

So to celebrate our favorite tech conference of the year, we’ve decided to run a little contest!

Find your best vintage industry swag that’s lying around at home and share it with us on Twitter!  

Read More and Join the Contest

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StoreKit Labs with Nami Engineers

Adding in-app purchases to your app for the very first time?

Have areas of improvement to your existing StoreKit integration you’ve been wanting to tackle?

We are here to help.  Nami’s platform is tightly integrated with StoreKit and our engineers are here to help you with your StoreKit questions.

Sign-up for a 1:1 session with one of our engineers on Zoom.  Feel free to bring your code.

We’ll be at the (virtual) Fairmont all week

Curious about Nami?  Need help with how to make in-app purchases and subscriptions work for your business?  

Drop by and ask us a question or hit us up for some conference swag.

Chat with Nami at hello@namiml.com.

Dan Burcaw is Co-Founder & CEO of Nami ML. He built a top mobile app development agency responsible for some of the most elite apps on the App Store and then found himself inside the mobile marketing industry after selling his last company to Oracle.

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