Nami ML on The DreamMason Podcast

Nami ML on The DreamMason Podcast

Portrait photo of blog author
Dan Burcaw
Co-Founder & CEO

Nami co-founder & CEO joined The DreamMason Podcast, hosted by Alex Terranova. Dan and Alex discussed various aspects of the entrepreneurial journey. They also discussed how Nami ML is helping high-performance brands think differently about subscriptions.

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Nami co-founder & CEO joined The DreamMason Podcast, hosted by Alex Terranova. Dan and Alex discussed various aspects of the entrepreneurial journey. They also discussed how Nami ML is helping high-performance brands think differently about subscriptions.

This week, Dan Burcaw and Alex share some very inspiring entrepreneurial stories and how to develop a StartUp. Dan is a serial entrepreneur who has founded four companies each at the forefront of a major technology wave: open source software, the smartphone, cloud computing, and now machine learning. His career has never had a dull moment. At age 17, we wrote software that ended up on the US Navy nuclear submarine fleet. Then, he founded and exited two companies in the mobile space which built and powered mobile applications for high-profile professional sports leagues, news broadcasters, and airlines. Now, leads Nami ML, a SaaS service that helps brands deliver high-performance subscription businesses by helping them operationalize and automate the subscriber experience in the service of creating more happy subscribers.

Listen on Apple Podcasts or visit the episode page.

Dan Burcaw is Co-Founder & CEO of Nami ML. He built a top mobile app development agency responsible for some of the most elite apps on the App Store and then found himself inside the mobile marketing industry after selling his last company to Oracle.

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