When Marketing Subscriptions & IAPs, Speed is King

When Marketing Subscriptions & IAPs, Speed is King

Portrait photo of blog author
Dan Burcaw
Co-Founder & CEO

App publishers need to transition their subscription and in-app purchase paywalls to CMS-based solutions for more marketing agility to experience and grow.

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Marketers are always on the lookout for new ways to make the customer experience (CX) one with the fewest barriers between the pitch and the purchase.

To maximize conversions on subscriptions and in-app purchases, apps must deliver quality and specifically targeted content as well as specifically targeted offers. To do that, marketers often need to make quick changes based on consumer demand using the most up-to-date information possible.

Subscriptions and in-app purchases using Nami’s CX-focused paywall design are a perfect example of where marketers can effect change and increase revenue directly, without the need for developers to make code the adjustments. Nami has introduced a no-code solution for paywalls and offer screens that can be iteratively changed by marketers, without needing to publish app updates. Using Nami’s full range of metrics available, digital marketing teams can review and analyze CX data, and immediately make changes on the fly in response to new data analysis.

In the early days of the internet, marketers needed to know HTML to be able to make changes to a company website. Eventually, Content Management Systems (CMSs) became available that allowed marketers to edit their websites without needing a developer. We currently live in a world where most apps subscription or in-app purchases offer screens require a developer to update. Nami has solved this problem.  

Digital marketing teams can now drive sales without releases. What does that mean? As marketers, you will be in control of UX customization, copy changes, and in-app behavioral adjustments. Even better, these changes you make can go live immediately. No more waiting for your changes to be approved, then released with a software update.

Nami’s industry-leading no-code paywall platform was specifically created with digital marketing teams in mind. It was built to enable digital marketers to continuously improve in-app offers iteratively and quickly. Speaking as a company of app developers, we know that the faster marketers can test conversion screens, the faster they can grow their revenue.

Dan Burcaw is Co-Founder & CEO of Nami ML. He built a top mobile app development agency responsible for some of the most elite apps on the App Store and then found himself inside the mobile marketing industry after selling his last company to Oracle.

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