In order to address StoreKit's unhandled error "Payment Sheet Failed" when performing simulator in-app purchase testing, follow this solution.
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When performing simulator in-app purchase testing from Xcode, the purchase flow is canceled before the purchase sheet pops up in the simulator. Then, the macOS crash reporter pops up and indicates a crash in a service called PassbookServiceUI!
Here’s what it looks like:
In addition, if you inspect the error responses from StoreKit you’ll see messages like this:
SKPaymentQueue: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=907 "Unhandled exception" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x60000009e5b0 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=6 "Payment Sheet Failed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Payment Sheet Failed,
The crash is in a service called PassbookServiceUI, which sounds like it has nothing to do with in-app purchases. Unfortunately, it makes it impossible to perform Xcode StoreKit purchase testing.
This occurs when triggering purchases with either StoreKit 1 or StoreKit 2 APIs. It happens even if a valid StoreKit Configuration file (.storekit) file is assigned to the build target.
The PassbookServiceUI crash occurs with the following environment as of this writing:
This error can be resolved by altering the simulator device, as many are known to function correctly.
That’s it! While this is an annoying bug that hopefully Apple fixes in a future version of Xcode, the workaround is quite simple.
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